Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! Have Multiple Streams of Income!t

Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! **Have Multiple Streams of Income!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Power of Knowing Your Why! Do you know why!

We've all heard it from our mentors, leaders, trainers etc. they all tell us you gotta know your why, why are you doing what your doing, but the question is why? Why must you know your why?

Four words that will change your life, post them every where so when you are facing adversity and obstacles from every direction you will see them and you will be back on track. Four words that when I asked the Lord one day why me these four words are the answer I got!

A 3 letter word a question in itself "why", actually its one of the 1st questions we learned to ask as new speaking toddlers, why mom, why dad, why does this happen or why does this look that way.

A four word answer to this 3 letter word when your using it in the context of why you're doing what you are doing.

Here it is, why must you know your why?

I don't know if you're ready for this, its so powerful its going to change everything for you, its kinda like when you know thatn you know that you know, it's like the answer to your success.

Why must I know my why? So you don't quit.

Without it your done , you might as well not even get started because with out knowing your why, you will never be able to stay the course, its just an impossibility! Know your why so you don't quit!

Pass it on Pay it Forward!!!

Fired Up Jim Hammons