Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! Have Multiple Streams of Income!t

Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! **Have Multiple Streams of Income!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tony Robbins The Force That SHapes Your Life

We may not be aware of the reason consciously, but there is undoubtedly a single driving force behind all human behavior. This force impacts every facet of our lives, from our relationships and finances to our bodies and brains. What is this force that is controlling you even now and will continue to do so for the rest of your life? PAIN and PLEASURE! Everything you and I do, we do either out of our need to avoid pain or our desire to gain pleasure.
- Tony Robbins, Awaken The Giant Within, Chapter 3 The Force That Shapes Your Life

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Power Of Getting Started is that it turns into Momentum!

You have to start somewhere! I started at 276.5lbs mid December, started on Zeal & Zeal Weight Mgmt, added being more consistent with my walking 3 laps per day each lap 1.5mi, added the elipitical 2.5 weeks ago when I started could barely do 10 minutes, yesterday I did 31 minutes! I'm 1lb away from 1st goal which was -20lbs now at 257.5lbs, feel great, cardio feels off the charts, can tell where the body is trimming up! Guess what? What? Last year I purchased P90X and never really got started, did the beginning like pre 90X work out a couple times and that was it, was in such bad shape was afraid I was get injured. Monday I'm starting P90X, Zurvita is giving away 4 Cruises for best Body transformation in 90 Days, Jim I thought they were giving away 5 Cruises, there are only 4 left! I OWN ONE!!! Fired UP!!!