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Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! **Have Multiple Streams of Income!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jeffrey Gitomer Top Sales Trainer & Speaker Answers Question Concerning Selling & Social Media!

Jeffrey, You’ve been on a big push as of recent with social media. I definitely agree that social media is the new way to go and cold calling is dead. However, what if someone is in the position of needing to make a sale ASAP? What is an approximate turnaround for making a sale from social media if I’m just starting today? I realize there is no right answer and there are many factors in play: how complete my pages are, quality of posts, number of people invited, etc. However, I’m just starting in a new job this week and need to make sales now. Should I split up my time between cold calling and social media so I can receive some money? Or, could I see decent results this week if I spend all of today making great social media sites for myself? Scott

Scott, Consider these two words: time allocation. If your biggest concern is making sales now, my recommendation is for you to spend a day talking to existing customers to find out why they buy, to find out how they value your company and your products, and to ask them if they would mind filming their answer. This will give you a better sales lesson than ten weeks of product training and cold calling techniques in a classroom. After you’ve finished your day of discovery, allocate two hours a day for cold calling, two hours a day for calling customers that left you, two hours a day getting social media ready, and two hours a day networking in your business community. Try to meet someone for breakfast who can give you money – and try to meet someone for lunch who can give you money. If you’re short on cash, limit it to just breakfast. Whatever you do, don’t panic. Slowly build yourself to a point where your social media and networking take over your cold calling – but use the tools that you learned in your day of discovery to make sales on every level. Best regards, Jeffrey

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