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Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! **Have Multiple Streams of Income!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Jim Hammons My Think and Grow Rich...Crisis

Remember, too, that all who succeed in life get off to a bad start, and pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they "arrive." The turning point in the lives of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of some crisis, through which they are introduced to their "other selves."
This paragraph for Think and Grow Rich is one of a two that resignated with me my 1st time through the book when it was given to me some 27 years ago when I was 21. It was given to be by a friend, a girl that when you met her yu know that she had something going on unlike anyone else. She was always very upbeat, motivated, excited and just Fired Up^^^ all the time.

The week that I was given Think and Grow Rich I was at a "crisis point" in my life, yes at the age of 21 I was in "crisis." I had moved to TExas from Nebraska on a whim with some friends when the meat packing plant we were all working at laid us off indefinately. The 1st year was a lot of fun although when I returned to Nebraska for Christmas only 10 short months later I was pretty beaten down by the big city and stayed home for 3 weeks almost not to return. But something inside said go give it one more year and see how it goes, so I returned.

I was working as a brick tender which if you don't know what that is thank
your lucky stars! There had been some rainy weather so we were shut down for a couple days, when we returned to work the foreman felt the job had fallen behind and decided to pick up the pace. I was on top of a 2 story scaffle when the forklift pulled up with a load of 300 brick where normally it was only prepared for 200, when the fork lift set the brick down I stepped over to grab the brick from following the forks and as soon as I placed my weight on the wooden plank it gave way, and down to the ground me and 300 brick fell.

Now when something like that happens either you open your eyes or you don't and I opened my eyes and the 1st thing that hit my mind was I'm never going to do this kind of work again.

So back to later that week I'm at home one night by myself busted up broke and broken ready to make the trip back when there is a knock at the door, its are female friend, I say ours because I had several roomates at the time. So we sit and talk for hours, I told her what was happening and that I was probably going to throw in the towel and head back to Nebraska. Her 1st words were and thats going to help you how? Then her next words were, wha kind of work do you think you will be able to find there? We talked some more and she said before she left don't make any decisions or do anything I'm going to bring you something tomorrow.

The next evening she kept her word and when she walked in she handed me this book that was titled Think and Grow Rich BY Napolean Hill, she told me not to judge it just to read it. And I did, of course like everyone for the 1st time I couldn't put it down, remember I'm just from a small town basically rural Nebraska my friends I had rarely if ever even heard of or seen a Mercedes or a Rolex watch or Designer clothes. Now I did have friends that were from wealthy families and lived at the private lake. While I lived on the south side of the tracks and my mother worked 3 to 4 jobs at a time raising three kids by herself. So to say I was not from an affluent back ground.

I'm now 48 or will be in a couple weeks and my life has not been perfect but I truly have been blessed beyond measure. I've continued my Personal Development Journey and even consider myself and expert on the subject.
I've literally read hundreds of books, listen to hundreds if not thousands of hours of audios, sat in meetings and trainings until I could'nt sit no more. And everyday the 1st thing I do after I Thank the Lord for another day, is pick up a book that I might get that one little nugget from that will make my day or help me make someone elses day which is what I enjoy to do the most!

And to think it all started 27 years ago when someone thought enough of me to give me that 1st book Think and Grow Rich, I've given hundreds of books and programs away since that day and I spoke to thousands of people, the entire time just hoping I would touch that one person who needed to hear that one nugget that would turn their day or even their life around.

I hope you enjoyed my quick little story here, its definately the short version, those who know me well have heard more than they probably care to say!

If you have not yet, I dont care if you're eight or eighty read the book Think and Grow Rich, By Napolean Hill, you can get one now on Amazon I think for less than $10. Read it again and again, and read other books like it.

And I know you will Think and Grow Rich!

Thanks for Your Time!

When you get a second stop by the blog and let me know how you liked the book or other books!

Stay Fired Up^^^
Fired Up Jim Hammons

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