Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! Have Multiple Streams of Income!t

Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! **Have Multiple Streams of Income!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Keep Your Tank Full!
Fired Up Jim Hammons 2011 Success Tip #7. Keep you tank full. If you drive car until your gas tank is empty you run out of gas and end up on the side of the road or the middle of traffic. So in order not to run out of gas you periodically take time to stop into a gas station and fill your tank up with gas.

The same analogy works for your physical body, 2-3 times per day you take the time to stop and eat food which is fuel for your body. Like the car if you don't put the fuel in your body than you literally run out of gas "energy" you get tired and sluggish and you want to pull over and take a rest or sleep.

Which brings to another tank that you need to keep fueled up and that’s the tank of your mind your mental tank. Especially being an entrepreneur, business owner etc. It's imperative that you feed your mental fuel tank so that you can stay sharp, focus and on top of your game. Life its self can be very stressful add on to that the demands that your work and career add to it and its not a good situation. The fact is though this is the most neglected tank and the one that most often runs on empty. Mostly due to ignorance, people just don't know how or where to get the information or maybe they know but they just don't believe in self motivation or personal development and third, they know how and where they just do not take the time to fill their mental tank.

My suggestion if you are in the third category is that you set your alarm clock if you still use one I personally do not I wake up when I'm finished sleeping which is normally way before most people set their alarms for anyway! But set your alarm 30 minutes earlier and after your inspirational time which is spiritual time whatever that means or is to you take 20 to 30 minutes to read or listen to a positive self improvement or personal development book or cd program. If you have no material books or cds I'm about to give you a tip on how you can get started absolutely for free at once.
Google search or You Tube search the key words motivation or personal development, or for leaders and trainers who you now the names of like, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins , John C. Maxwell, Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins, Harvey McKay and you will find a plethora of great articles videos etc. Also you can visit my web show for videos from some of my personal favorite leaders, trainers and speakers on these subjects!
I hope this helps and is of value to you, I personally have been on a 25 plus year journey or self improvement and personal development and still continue everyday on my journey! I wish you great success and happiness in all that you choose to endeavor.
Stay Fired Up^^^Fired Up Jim Hammons

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