Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! Have Multiple Streams of Income!t

Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! **Have Multiple Streams of Income!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Define Your Success So You Know What It Looks Like!

Whats Your Definition? It's a Good thing for you to know.
#1. So you know what it looks like and feels like!
#2. So you don't get frustrated.
#3. You want to experience small successes, medium successes and major successes!
How? By Short, Medium and Long Term Goals!

Jim Rohn used to say, "I set alot of small goals so I can check them off every day!"

"People say its good to know what you are willing to do for your success, its also important to know what you won't do, that way you will not spend time worrying about not doing it." - Jim Rohn

"You must be able to ask yourself, how did I do? So if you fell short you can adjust and make corrections so you can do better next time, learn from your mistakes your failures your short comings." - Jim Rohn

"Work Harder on Yourself than you do on your job." - Jim Rohn

"Profits are Better than wages, once I realized that it changed everything for me." - Jim Rohn

The Wisdom of Jim Rohn Is Timeless, Take it with you this week and Have a Fired Up Successful Productive Week!!!

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