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Find Your Purpose and Passion! Do What You Love! **Have Multiple Streams of Income!

Friday, April 13, 2012

How are You, How are You Doing? Whats Your Response? It Matters!

It's very important how you respond when someone ask you how are you, how you doing. It happens so often and we don't think about it and usually we give the same response over and over. Can you guess what I have been saying for almost 2 years now? Thats right, I'm Fired UP!!! And guess what I AM, why do you think that is? Repitition of affirmation. You are affirming to someone else how you are whether you conciously know it or not. Can you see the difference in, I'm Fired Up and oh I'm alright, I'm Ok of here's a good one for Texans , I'm fair to midland, really is that all?How bout this one, couldn't get any worse, really I bet it can if you keep up with that response. Zig Ziglar has trained people for years to say, I'm Super Good But I'll Get Better! Think about it come up with your own positive affirming catchy response and use it every time and just watch peoples faces or listen to their response to what you say. My friend Charlie Vogele says,"I'm Super Fantastic! My Friend and Mentor John Ramsey says,"I'm Excellent." Many of my friends now say I'm Fired Up!When people send me a chat on facebook and they start off by asking how you doing or how are you, my response is always the same, I'm Fired Up!, guess what their next questions is? What are you Fired Up about? So come up with your own word or phrase that you feel really discribes you or how you want to feel. Here are some examples to get your creativity juices flowing: I'm Blessed, I'm Great, I'm Awesome, I'm Incredible, I'm Rich and Getting Richer, I'm Amazing, I'm Wonderful, I'm Excited, I'm Beautiful, I'm Magnificient, I'm Focused, I'm Determined, I'm Full of Abundance, I'll end with this one, I'm Loved! When you come up with yours message me I would Love to see it hear and affirm it with you, to you and for you!

Stay Focused & Stay Fired Up!!!

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